Emiliana’s Journal: 7 Months

On Saturday our little Emiliana turned 7 months! Every day that passes I am blown away by how much she has grown and how quickly time has passed.

Emiliana continues to be a source of joy, happiness, and peace amidst all the chaos. She always has a smile on her face and her “hugs and kisses” put the most troubled heart at rest.

Emiliana tried some more solid foods! So far she has tried rice cereal, bananas, sweet potatoes,  peaches, and green beans. 90316091_222124492481424_5488866074260668416_nShe hates bananas, on their own or mixed in with cereal, she will not open her mouth for them.

Although, she in love with sweet potatoes, Emiliana will bang her hand on her chair to ask for more, or scream if you take too long between spoonfuls.

Her crawling skills are coming in hard and fast, she hasn’t quite mastered it yet, but she is working hard! She can get into a crawling position, move forward a couple steps and gets stuck in position. She will either then start screaming to let us know she is stuck and doesn’t know what to do or put her head down and start her worm crawl until she has the energy to try again. It has been a lot of fun watching her figure it out, it blows my mind how quickly she is learning.

Emiliana loves to sit and read books with her daddy at night during bedtime.  She has a new favorite show, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney+. She loves playtime, she has a variety of toys to keep her entertained and she will make sure to give them all attention and a nibble. Naptime is so important. If I am slow to set her up for her nap she will get upset and grumpy. She has a sleepy time playlist she listens to fall asleep and her blanket that she likes.

She also has started to make faces, my favorite is this because Dylan makes the exact same face when he is thinking without knowing he does. So I wonder if Emiliana is copying him or she just happened to make that face. She was doing it a lot for a while.90702579_893552854419634_5998753660950020096_n

This month’s adventures:

Going for walks in the park with mommy and daddy90335609_2821578677909233_7007356327311704064_n

Going to the library with mommy, the bubbles are her favorite part!

Every day with Emiliana is a new adventure and I can’t wait to see what happens next!91011437_1282331095306559_834614498978430976_n

3 thoughts on “Emiliana’s Journal: 7 Months

  1. Congrats on 7 months!
    Time goes by incredibly fast, doesn’t it?
    My little boy is turning one in a couple of weeks. I can’t wrap my head around it!
    You’re in for a treat in the next few months:) soak it in!! Great content as always, keep up the great work! I’ll be coming back for more! 😀

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